Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Christmas Service Hours Update - December 25th, 2013

     Like usual, I'm sort of extremely late. My apologies. I'm like a father neglecting his poor children.  I'll be out of office soon along with these other old people, so hopefully the next prospective Secretary will be more responsible than me in the coming year!
     Anyway, our holiday updates include: 
          1.) Recycling / Project Reach Services on December 6th, 2013.
          2.) Club Meetings on:
                - November 21st, 2013
                - December 5th, 2013
          3.) San Gabriel Neighborhood Cleanup on December 15th, 2013.
          4.) Almansor Park Cleanup on December 21st, 2013.
          5.) Bottle Crushing hours are updated up to December 7th, 2013.
          6.) Habitat Restoration on December 7th, 2013
     Once again, a few things to note. The asterisks before your name indicate that you are exempt from meetings due to other school activities (e.g. Band Council, MoMa Motivators, etc.), and I will overlook the amount of meetings that you have attended. However that doesn't mean that you should skip out on the meetings when that activity doesn't coincide with us. It'll make us sad. It'll show your interaction and dedication to our club. Yeah.
     If your name is not on the current roster, then you were removed from the club after Quarter 1. If you want to confirm that you were removed, check at the bottom of the entire list. Those are the people who earned service credit, but did not meet the requirements. If your name isn't in the pile or the current roster, then you were most likely removed from the list because you gained a cumulative amount of zero hours throughout Quarter 1. Same rules will apply on the Post-Semester 1 roster.
     Also, please don't make me feel guilty for not giving you service credit when you were removed from the club. There are people who attend meetings and go to events that aren't in the club anymore. Due to my extreme squishiness I gave you the hours onto your Quarter 1 totals, so when you apply to college and/or Los Renombrados, you'll have those hours on record. Please though, no more. Thank you.
      Double check your hours for the outside events. Since I didn't attend them, I didn't have a solid copy on hand and I might've missed a name or two. I have the Garvey Park Clean-Up Column on ready when we come back from it. I'll make the final update after that service, since it's the last one of the Semester, but it won't be big. That's all.
     *Obligatory Disclaimer: Feel free for check for any silly mistakes and stuff that I might've done wrong. If I did miss anything, go ahead and tell me on Facebook or eMail us at I'll double check and fix it ASAP. 
Mark Lieu

Excuse me for sounding stiff. 
Happy holidays, everyone!

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Almansor Park cleanup 12/21/13

Date: December 21, 2013 (Saturday)
Time: 9am-11am
Location: Almansor Park 800 S Almansor St, Alhambra, CA 91801

Hooray for squirrels! I mean cleanups. Anyways, Almansor Park would have plenty of trash to cleanup.  Especially those seals for bread bags... I see a fun day ahead of us at the park so go.. sign up! :)

Please sign up below with your full name and ID. Thank you.

  1. Henry Tran
  2. Danny Fu
  3. Henry Zeng
  4. Justin Pham
  5. Davin Vuong
  6. Brian Choy
  7. Kaleen Luu
  8. Linda Wang
  9. Nghi Quach
  10. Janette Nguyen
  11. Angie Han
  12. Anothony Huynh
  13. Kevin Lam 
  14. Ivy Leao
  15. Eythan Lam
  16. John Lu
  17. Andrew Tran
  18. Hanfrey Deng
  19. Brandon Huynh
  20. Ashley Kakazu
  21. Francine Yu
  22. Tran Lam
  23. Annie Ma
  24. Cynthia Tu
  25. Joshua Kuang
  26. Brian Dam
  27. Elim Li
  28. Sulmie Tran
  29. Tuyet Phan

Garvey Park Cleanup 12/28/13

Location: Garvey Park 7933 Emerson Pl, Rosemead, CA 91770
Time: 9am-11am
Day: Dec 28, 2013

Hey guys, last event of the quarter ): Fortunately, our last one would be at our favorite park to clean, Garvey Park Looking forward to finishing it all with this final cleanup. Like always, closed-toed shoes and we will provide everything we need for a successful cleanup!
Sign up below with your full name and ID and I'll see ya all there!

  1. Eddie Pang 
  2. Ethan Ly
  3. Kevin Lam
  4. Elim Li
  5. Tuyet Phan
  6. Henry Zeng
  7. Tran Lam
  8. Darlene Fung
  9. Kevin Luu
  10. Vanessa Huang
  11. Kaleen Luu
  12. Jenny Trang
  13. Linda Wang
  14. Lee Mao
  15. Andrew Duong
  16. Sulmie Tran
  17. Winston Hau
  18. Josephine Leung
  19. Peter Vo
  20. John Lu
  21. Mason Tran
  22. Brandon Ha
  23. Jeffrey Fong
  24. Christopher Cam
  25. David San
  26. Teresa Truong
  27. Raymond Yang
  28. Gloria Quach
  29. Richie Phan
  30. Nelson Luong
  31. Jason Wong
  32. Brandon Huynh
  33. Andrew Tran
  34. Kevin Tien
  35. Anson Qi
  36. Mimi Lam

San Gabriel Neighborhood cleanup 12/15/2013

Date: Dec 15, 2013
Location: San Gabriel High School Horseshoe(bus drop off)
Time 9am-11am

SAVE THE DATE and be prepared!  We will be having a neighborhood cleanup around our beloved school this SUNDAY. Your loving enviro staff will be providing gloves and trash bags like usual so you really don't need to bring anything although we suggest some water/light snacks. Be sure to dress appropriately, meaning closed-toed shoes and perhaps even a light sweater to keep warm in. Lastly, I want to remind you guys that quarter is soon ending so if you are on "borderline" to meet the requirements, this is the event you must highly consider. Anyways, enough of the hours talk. After we clean the neighborhood up there no one will ever complain of living in a filth.

Sign in below with your FULL name and ID. Thank you everyone and i look forward to seeing you this SUNDAY. :')

  1. Chris Lew
  2. Barry Young
  3. Eddie Pang
  4. Ethan Ly
  5. Justin Pham
  6. Henry Zeng
  7. Julie Pham
  8. Jessica Tran
  9. Kaleen Luu
  10. Darlene Fung
  11. Brian Choy
  12. Tony Tran
  13. Michelle Banh
  14. Linda Wang
  15. Winston Hau
  16. Andy Zhang
  17. Josephine Leung
  18. Henry Tran
  19. Anson Qi 
  20. Danny Fu
  21. Justin Wong 
  22. Tommy Ha
  23. Anthony Huynh
  24. Brian Dam 

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Peck Park Habitat Restoration 12/7/13

Date: Dec 7, 2013
Time: 9am- 12pm 
Location: Peck Park Conservation Park, 5401 N. Peck Rd Arcadia, CA 91006

Peck Park Habitat Restoration! Our first outside event after Thanksgiving Break! This is a great way to complete 3/5 hours for the second quarter.

Dress accordingly (something you don't mind getting dirty, and closed-toed shoes).
Snacks and water will be provided to volunteer!

Sign up below with your full name and ID number.
For any questions or concerns, you are free to contact your loving environmental staff :)
We will be meeting up a bit past the parking lot (there should be other people congregating in the general area). It'll be a bit hard to find so make sure you make a turn once you see a sign like this.

The turn left should look something like this:

Hope to see many of you there! ^_^

  1. Aron Duong 1106703
  2. Yu Lin Ma 1525335
  3. Emily Nguyen 1525396
  4. Eythan Lam 1525258
  5. Alex Zhang 1529058
  6. Kha Van 1530951
  7. Sydney Trieu 1528978
  8. Lisa Zhou 1525625
  9. Kim Le 1525274
  10. Anthony Huynh 1525223
  11. Kristy Duong 1521747

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Service Hours Update - November 16th, 2013

     Aside from me whining about the amount of people in this club, I am finally on time! Sort of! I still hit the deadline for my this update, so I think I don't deserve to die this time. The only thing I'm possibly late on is bottle crushing. But you guys'll forgive me, right? After all, I am being extra generous with Bottle Crushing hours.
     So without further ado, the services that I updated include:
          1.) Recycling/Project Reach Services on:
               - November 8th, 2013
               - November 15th, 2013
          2.) Club Meetings on:
               - October 31st, 2013
               - November 7th, 2013
               - November 14th, 2013
          3.) Habitat Restoration on November 2nd, 2013
          4.) PTSA Service on November 9th, 2013
          5.) Garvey Park Clean-Up on November 11th, 2013
          6.) Bottle Crushing from October 18th to November 15th, 2013
     I changed and did a little house keeping in our hours sheet; I moved the people who were removed from the club to the bottom of the sheet to make things a little bit easier for me when I'm scrolling up and down the page. I'm only keeping their names around for when Los Renombrados swings around next year and the Juniors get hungry for their hours; and or whenever people need their hours for college applications. I'm not cruel enough to publicly shame people, guys.
     Another thing to mention, since I wasn't at the service and I didn't make the Sign-In sheets that day,I think I am missing an entire sign in sheet for the Recycling on November 8th. So if a good number of you are missing your hours for the service, I'll know something is up. Remember, notify me! Be the ambassador! I don't bite. Actually none of us do  except maybe Kristy.
     Also, the little asterisks next to the highlighted names of people mean that they are immune to club meetings due to MoMa, or other disturbances that get in the way of our club meetings. Freshmen are naturally immune to this because all of them have to attend MoMa meetings every so often on Thursdays. Poor, poor Freshmen. Still, just because you are immune to the meeting requirement doesn't mean you shouldn't skip out when you don't have the meetings. That's bad. You all want to be good boys and girls, right?


     *Obligatory Disclaimer: Feel free for check for any silly mistakes and stuff that I might've done wrong. If I did miss anything, go ahead and tell me on Facebook or eMail us at I'll double check and fix it ASAP. 

'Cho Secretary,
Mark Lieuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Garvey Park Cleanup Nov 11, 2013

Double header for this marvelous 3 day weekend!
Time: 9 a.m. - 11 a.m.
Place: Garvey Park 7933 Emerson Pl, Rosemead, CA 91770

Just bring yourself and we'll provide gloves and trashbags!
Sign up with your name and ID, and feel free to email or message us any questions!

1. Cynthia Lam
2. Aron Duong
3. Chris Lew 
4. Julie Pham
5. David Zhang
6. Michael Tran
7. Katherine Hoong
8. Emily Chang
9. Tina Sam
10. Kevin Luu
11. Teresa Truong 
12. Brandon Ha
13. Jeffrey Fong
14. Judy Linh 
15. Billy Huynh 
16. Cuiting Yu 
17. Brandon Lau 
18. Kaleen Luu
19. Tran Lam
20. Darlene Fung
21. Ruben Li Wu
22. Tony Kung 
23. Mimi Lam
24. Nhi Quach
25. Elaine Ta
26. Emma Rivera
27. Peter Vo
28. Timothy Fong
29. Sydney Trieu
30. Kha Van
31. William Tea
32. Brandon Huynh
33. Jessica Tran
34. Ivy Leao
35. Shelley Wong
36. Cynthia Tu
37. Irene Kuang
38. Joshua Kuang
39. Andrew Tran
40. John Lu
41. Brian Dam

Thursday, November 7, 2013

PTSA Garden project November 9,2013

Time: 9:00am-1:00pm 
Meet up spot: SGHS (adeck/track parking lot/ b buildings)
Date: November 9,2013

Hello environmental clubbers. We will be having an event this SATURDAY at our beloved high school. In this event we will  be helping PTSA build planters and pot new plants onto our soon to be lovely campus. Be sure to be dressed in comfortable clothing and in closed-toed shoes to ensure your safety.

Sign up below with your full name and ID number. For any concerns or questions regarding the event, feel free to email us! :)

  1. Ethan Ly 
  2. Andy Zhang 
  3. Kindy Tan
  4. Jacky Zhang

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Service Hours Update - October 30th, 2013

     First of all, let me apologize for how late I am in making this post. I've been really lazy recently and just, eh. Okay alright I won't make any excuses I'm sorry. Three weeks have passed and I'm supposed to be making them every two weeks. Slap me.
     Now that that's out of the way, let's see what's been updated as of late:
          1.) Recycling/Project Reach Services on:
               - October 4th, 2013
               - October 18th, 2013
               - October 25th, 2013
          2.) Club Meetings on:
               - October 3rd, 2013
               - October 10th, 2013
               - October 17th, 2013
               - October 24th, 2013
          3.) E-Waste Service on:
               - October 12th, 2013
          4.) Almansor Park clean up on:
               - October 13th, 2013
          5.) Bottle Crushing has been updated as of October 18th, 2013.
     That is one huge list. This is exactly what happens when I don't keep things updated. Anyway, a few words before I end this certain reminder. I'm sure a lot of you guys already know this, but the meetings that you folks attend don't give any sort of hours. Some of you operate under the assumption of that and it only ends in your doom. Of course I still have the ability to reinstate you guys into the club, if you really want to stay. Just now I put someone back into the club. Of course you need a legit excuse and you gotta make us feel sorry for you. Remember we're only booting people because they can't uphold their own responsibilities due to excessive lethargy. For those of you who weren't informed of your apparent booting and went to recycling anyway, I still added an hour onto your quarter 1 hours because you performed labor anyway. I won't be adding to your hours anymore after that week, so make sure if you're still in the club or not.

     Anyway congratulations to all of you that survived this First Quarter. I'll be looking forward to working with all of you guys for my last term in office.

Your Secretary,

P.S. I promise I'll collect Bottle Crushing hours this week~

Tuesday, October 29, 2013


Date: Nov 2, 2013
Time: 9am- 12pm 
Location: Peck Park Conservation Park, 5401 N. Peck Rd Arcadia, CA 91006

If you haven't gone to one of the best events ever, Habitat Restoration, you should! If you have already, go again! This is a great way to complete 3/5 hours for the second quarter.
Hello Environmentalists; we'll be tending to the magnificent Peck Park's environment under Amigos de Los Rios.

Dress accordingly (something you don't mind getting dirty, and closed-toed shoes).
Snacks and water will be provided to volunteers and, yes, this is on an SAT date and during the SGHS Pancake Breakfast/Rummage sale.

Sign up below with your full name and ID number.
For any questions or concerns, you are free to contact your loving environmental staff :)
We will be meeting up a bit past the parking lot (there should be other people congregating in the general area). It'll be a bit hard to find so make sure you make a turn once you see a sign like this.

The turn left should look something like this:

Hope to see many of you there! ^_^

  1. Andrew Tran 1522195
  2. John Lu 1522038
  3. Tony Kung 1521891
  4. Aron Duong 1106703
  5. Andy Le 1525271
  6. Derek Lam 1525256
  7. Eric Truong 1525528
  8. Alex Chiu 1521724
  9. Deryn Gomez 1521834
  10. Anthony Valverde 1522238
  11. Ethan Ly 1521972

Friday, October 18, 2013

2013-2014 Q1 -Getting Personal- Concerning Hours and Requirements

For those who weren't here at this week's meeting for my address:

Our hours/meetings requirement per quarter has been 5/5 for members. Meetings are not mandatory for people involved in MoMa. Because of some short recyclings, we've brought down the hours requirement to 4.5. However, there have been some cases in which members do not meet our requirements because of problems unknown to us. I would like to address this.

As you might all have figured out after being an Environmental Club member, we officers are, in fact, human (shocking, I know). We know how it feels to be just short on hours or even a few away because of other obligations and priorities, since everyone is so enveloped with activities at SG. Sometimes we meet these requirements; sometimes we don't.

I've made an executive decision after considering everything that has been brought up to us officers. We will consider your case -if you had any problems reaching our set requirements-, only if you bring it up privately to me (president) on Facebook, the club's email (, or my personal email ( My decision may be controversial, and enforcers of rules may question my decision on the grounds that I'm not being entirely fair to everyone in the club, that my decision leads to the dissolution of "rules", that this isn't realistic.

Visiting a father's grave and having family problems are much more important. If you believe you shouldn't be kicked out because of unforeseen circumstances, tell me with a passion, that you aren't just a member in this organization for college, but a member because you love what we do. The experience is way more important than hours.

Still, if you slide by, there will be strings attached, which may include a higher hours requirement next quarter, higher meeting requirement, or delegating specialized work. Also, not everyone will slide by; we have to keep objectivity.

Thank you for reading this post; I hope I conveyed my passionate feeling about this intelligibly.

-Your 2013-2014 President, Jestin Ma

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Almansor Park Cleanup October 13, 2013

Since the first quarter is almost over and we won't be having recycling on 10/11/13, we will be having a park cleanup on October 13, 2013 at Almansor Park for anyone who needs some extra hours.

Time: 9 a.m. - 11 a.m.
Place: Almansor Park (beside Martha Baldwin Elementary and Emmaus Lutheran School) at the basketball courts.

We'll be providing gloves and trash bags for everyone who signs up.

Comment your Name and ID to sign up as usual.

  1. Eric Thai 1525250
  2. Judy Linh 1518599
  3. Sydney Trieu 1528978
  4. Alex Zhang 1529058 
  5. Annie Ma 1104811
  6. Yixin Chen 1517998
  7. Cynthia Lam 1518589
  8. Eythan Lam 1525258
  9. Ashley Kakazu 1520232
  10. Vanessa Huang 1521859
  11. Francine Yu 1102915
  12. Cynthia Tu 1525535
  13. Ivy Leao 1525279
  14. Kevin Lam 1525261
  15. Julie Pham 1518447
  16. Ethan Ly 1521972
  17. Alex Chiu 1521724
  18. Anthony Valverde 1522238
  19. John Lu 1522038
  20. Tony Kung 15221891
  21. Colin Chen 1521684
  22. Andrew Tran 1522195
  23. John Lu 1522038
  24. Eric Truong 1525528
  25. Cassie Luu 1528770
  26. Jessica Tran 1105104
  27. Anthony Huynh 1525223
  28. Jenny Trang 1522199
  29. Tony Tran 1102942
  30. Tuyet Phan 1522098
  31. Joshua Kuang 1525248
  32. Justin Wong 1102894
  33. Linda Wang 1518712
  34. Tommy Ha 1520196
  35. Brandon Huynh 1521876
  36. Kimberely Tran 1103995

Thursday, October 3, 2013


HEY HEY HEY! It's time for that year again!  E-waste. The glorious day of sorting something other than your usual papers! This event will be held at the South Parking Lot where we would be teaming up with other organizations on campus on either unloading cars or directing traffic. Please be dressed appropriately in clothes you would not mind getting dirty because even though these are electronics, well you just may never know. So spread the word to your family and relatives! tell em to bring all their old electronics that they may have been storing for days or for others, generations!

NOTE: that E-waste WILL NOT be taking appliances such as refrigerators, washers, and dryers due to the chemicals they contain. Everything else should be fine!

Date: October 12, 2013
Place: SGHS
Shift 1: 9am-12pm
Shift 2: 12pm-3pm
Like your amazing secretary said at the meeting, going for both shifts can fulfill your requirements! 

SIGN UP below with your full name, id number and the shift you are registering for. 
Thank you all and i hope to see you there! ^o^ Enviro! You know!

Shift 1:
  1. Cuiting Yu 1525612
  2. Elaine Ta 1525495
  3. Michelle Hua 1525211
  4. Annie Ma 1104811
  5. Jenny Leong 1516314
  6. Michelle Banh 1518543
  7. Timothy Tran 1528974
  8. Kimberly Tran 1103995
  9. Winston Hau 1528631
  10. Lien Chung 1111528
  11. Andy Chen 1528518
  12. Andrew Duong 1525118
  13. Stacy Taing 1521753
  14. Justin Pham 1098765
  15. Henry Zeng 1098804
  16. Danny Fu 1513295 
  17. Henry Tran 1098769
  18. Richie Phan 1098766
  19. Nelson Luong 1098794
  20. Tina Sam 1525465
  21. Katherine Hoong 1525210
  22. Tiffany Giang 1525167
  23. Tony Kung 1521891
  24. Ping Situ 1522161
  25. Alex Chiu 1521724
  26. James Le 1521924
  27. David Zhang 1200246
  28. Alex Zhen 1518721
  29. Karen Trinh 1522226
  30. Angie Han 1521822
  31. Justine Murrieta 1522032
  32. Irene Kuang 1518587
  33. Stacy Chau 1525062
  34. William Tea 1525504
  35. Colin Chen 1521684
  36. Brian Choy 1104002 
  37. Tinna Lam 1521905
  38. My Chac 1521848
  39. Andrew Tran 1522195
  40. Ethan Ly 1521972

Shift 2:
  1. Justin Pham 1098765
  2. Henry Zeng 1098804
  3. Danny Fu 1513295
  4. Henry Tran 1098769
  5. Richie Phan 1098766
  6. Nelson Luong 1098794
  7. Darlene Fung 1521774
  8. Josephine Leung 1521927
  9. Tony Kung 1521891
  10. Elvis Ha 1521820
  11. Linda Wang 1518712
  12. Lee Mao 1518616
  13. David Zhang 1200246
  14. Kevin Chang 1521680
  15. Angie Han 1521822
  16. Justine Murrieta 1522032
  17. Eric Thai 1525250
  18. Teresa Truong 1522225
  19. Irene Kuang 1518587
  20. Ashley Jiang 1099461
  21. Janette Nguyen 1522046
  22. Brian Choy 1104002 
  23. Eythan Lam 1525258
  24. Alex Zhen 1518721
  25. Ethan Ly 1521972
  26. Hanfrey Deng 1523515
  27. Julie Pham 1518447
  28. Yu Lin Ma 1525335
  29. Kevin Lam 1525261
  30. Andy Zhang 1518718
  31. Chanel Hin 1522057
  32. Jennifer Nguyen 1522058
  33. Robert Lam 1521840
  34. Andrew Tran 1522195

Sunday, September 29, 2013


Sorry, everyone. Habitat Restoration 10/3/2013 has been cancelled due to third party change of plans.

Location: October 5,2013
Time: 9am- 12pm
Location: Peck Park Conservation Park, 5401 N. Peck Rd Arcadia, CA 91006

I shall get this same picture into all your heads! Hey guys, we will be having another Habitat restoration on our usual "first Saturday of each month". Like usual, ya'll must dress appropriately and in closed-toe shoes. Snacks and water will be provided to volunteers and yes, this WILL be corresponding with you SAT test takers. So those of you who will be taking the test, GOOD LUCK and for those of you who have no plans for your Saturday from 9-12 shall come. We totally understand the issue of not having transportation so we suggest you do what you can by asking your "homies" for a ride and if not, try next time! Carpooling does miracles~

Sign up below with your full name and ID number.
For any questions or concerns, you are free to contact your loving enviro staff :)
We will be meeting up at the parking entrance. It'll be a bit hard to find so make sure you make a turn once you see a sign like this.

From yours truly,
Alan Duong, Public Relations

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Service Hours Update - September 28th, 2013

     Let this mark (Haha, no.) our 2nd hours update! Although it's nothing new, we're already having people almost reach double digit Service Hours. You go, guys. Work harder my slaves!
      Anyway, today's updates include:
          1.) Club Meetings on:
               - September 19th, 2013
               - September 26th, 2013
           2.) Recycling/Project Reach Services on:
               - September 20th, 2013
               - September 27th, 2013
     Not much of a big update, but here's a little bit on my updating policy.
     Every week after a Recycling/Project Reach Service, I try to update hours on a Saturday. If not, the Sunday. Park Cleanups and Habitat Restorations are posted on the day after they are performed. I update hours every week, but I only make a BlogSpot and Facebook post every two weeks to avoid clogging up the blog and page with hours updates. The Bottle Crushing list is checked and updated every two weeks, so don't get too anxious if you don't see an update on that service today. Therefore if you're too lazy to do the math, you'll see a Bottle Crushing update on October 5th; that is, if I'm not too wasted from the SAT that day to update hours.
     *Obligatory Disclaimer: Feel free for check for any silly mistakes and stuff that I might've done wrong. If I did miss anything, feel free to tell me on Facebook or eMail us at I'll double check and fix it ASAP.
Anyway, that's all I have to say folks,
Mark Lieu, Secretary

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Service Hours Update - September 15th, 2013

     The Service Hour Records are ready to launch! It literally took me the entire day to get the roster up and running, and the formatting seems to be in great shape as well! We've got a whooping total of 207 members this year, and that's going to be torture every time I update the hours. Well, I'm in no position to complain, since I kind of did campaign and sign up for this. Heh. Anyway, here's a status update on what's included here.
     Updates include:
          1.) Club Meetings on:
               - August 29th, 2013
               - September 5th, 2013
               - September 12th, 2013
          2.) Recycling/Project Reach Services on:
               - September 6th, 2013
               - September 13th, 2013
          3.) Garvey Park Clean Up - [September 1st, 2013]
          4.) Habitat Restoration - [September 7th, 2013]
     Just by looking at the recorded hours so far, I can already tell who's going to be the people that'll be the most dedicated to the club. Some of you guys already fulfilled the hours requirement by going to the Park Clean up and Habitat Restoration, which is awesome! Just a friendly reminder once again, the requirements are 5 service hours and 5 meetings, and to be honest it isn't that much if you take advantage of the stuff we plan on the weekends. If you don't have rides, just tell us and we could find someone to get you one; after all, there was a section that asked if you could provide rides to outside events, remember? Also be sure to check for mistakes, since they are most likely going to be some on this document since it was so huge.
     The Bottle Crushing and Driving hours are not yet available because I haven't checked with the nurse yet, and we haven't made our first paper delivery. I will however check the nurse's office for Bottle Crushing hours by the end of this week, so the hours will be added onto your current total.
     *Obligatory Disclaimer: Feel free for check for any silly mistakes and stuff that I might've done wrong. If I did miss anything, feel free to tell me on Facebook or eMail us at I'll double check and fix it ASAP.
Glad to be of Service
Mark Lieu, Secretary

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

2013-2014 GEAR DESIGNS!

Environmental Club will be taking submissions for the next 2 weeks for our jacket and shirt designs STARTING this moment! You can submit your design(s) to our environmental cabinet email, We encourage EVERYONE to try his/her hand and submit a design. You can choose to either draw it freehand or use an online clothing designing site.

General rules (for both shirts and jackets):

  • It has to represent the SGHS 2013-2014 Environmental Club.
  • Be appropriate.
  • No plagiarism of any sort.
  • A very handy site to design gear is this one.
  • Maximum one color for the overall color (no streaks or multicolored parts)
  • Shirt designs only on the front side of the shirt. Jackets can have both sides.
  • Email your designs, shirt and/or jacket, to us at by September 25th OR bring a copy (in color preferably) to the September 26th meeting.

What do you get out of designing?

The winning designers will not only earn the club's gratitude but also a FREE shirt and legendary, unreleased Environmental Club button! Deadline is on September 26 unless later updatedHAPPY DESIGNING!

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Los Renombrados Hours 2014

     I don't really have much to say other than this is my first post of the year. Good luck with the Applications seniors! And also I won't be posting up our first hours update for the year until I get the full roster, which'll be on Thurday.
     So sit tight until Friday, then we'll see how the school year really kicked off!

   *Obligatory Disclaimer: Feel free for check for any silly mistakes and stuff that I might've done wrong. If I did miss anything, go ahead and tell me on Facebook or eMail us at I'll double check and fix it ASAP. 

     Thanks and regards, folks. :)
- Mark

Sunday, September 1, 2013


Date: September 7,2013 
Time: 9am-12pm
Location: Peck Park Conservation Park, 5401 N. Peck Rd Arcadia, CA 91006

 "For nearly 25 years, the community of Rowland Heights has enjoyed this 5-acre neighborhood park. The Park offers residents the opportunity to enjoy outdoor activities in a serene setting. It is a passive-use park without organized recreational activities." Hey guys! This Saturday we will be having what we call habitat restoration at Peck Park. Now what is this restoration? We'll be providing care for the plants such as weeding of course! Please dress accordingly meaning closed toed shoes and clothes you won't mind getting dirty in! Snacks and drinks are provided by the host. And those of you who are BRAVE enough to bike there are welcome to join Mr. President! We'll see ya there! For any questions or concerns, contact your awesome enviro staff! Sign up below with your FULL name and ID. Thanks! ^o^

We will be meeting up at the parking entrance. It'll be a bit hard to find so make sure you make a turn once you see a sign like this.

  1. Kha Van 1530951
  2. Peter Vo 1518703
  3. Christopher Cam 1518496
  4. Kelvin Cao 1522174
  5. Brandon Huynh 1521876
  6. John Lu 1522038
  7. Deryn Gomez 1521834
  8. Alex Chiu 1521724
  9. Tony Kung 1521891
  10. Jose Chavez 1518439
  11. Anthony Valverde 1522238
  12. Michelle Banh 1518543

Friday, August 30, 2013

Garvey Park Cleanup September 1, 2013

What a great time of the year to start our first service! In this service, we would be working together in cleaning up Garvey Park, a park well-known to our community. We  will be providing the necessities to rid of the park's trash so you won't be required in bringing anything! ^_^ However, we do suggest you guys to be dressed accordingly to the weather. For any questions please contact any of the cabinet members ;) Please sign up below with both your name an ID if you are going.
Date: September 1, 2013(Sunday)
Time: 9-11 am
Where: Garvey Park, 7933 Emerson Pl, Rosemead, CA 91770

  1. Godfrey Lam
  2. Eddie Pang
  3. Kindy Tan
  4. Ethan Ly
  5. Andrew Duong
  6. Kaleen Luu
  7. Tran Lam
  8. Chris Lew
  9. Wilson
  10. Hanfrey Deng
  11. Alexander Ta
  12. Matthew Diep
  13. Brandon Huynh
  14. John Lu
  15. Peter Vo
  16. Jennifer Thai
  17. Sandy Vong
  18. Jarod Hinh
  19. Billy Huynh
  20. Tony Tran
  21. Vincent Huynh
  22. Jeffrey Fong
  23. Timothy Fong
  24. Jacky Zhang
  25. Aron Duong
  26. Ruben Li Wu
  27. Darlene Fung
  28. Jessica Tran
  29. Stacy Chau
  30. Michelle Hua
  31. Jose Chavez

Saturday, June 1, 2013

FINAL Hours Update - May 31st, 2013

     It's summer! We're finally done! Needless to say that there was a large amount of suffering and or fun involved. Well, I really don't know what to say. It's too early for me in the morning to say anything cheesy.
     Well, anyway, the final hours update includes:
          1.) Meeting - May 16th, 2013
          2.) Recycling/Project Reach - May 17th, 2013
          3.) Park Clean Up (Social) - May 23rd, 2013(?)
          4.) Bottle Crushing Hours - April 11th, 2013~May 31st, 2013
     I am such a bad person for updating so late. Haha. My apologies for those who depended on Bottle Crushing so much.
     Anyway, really that's all I have to say.
     Thanks for not stealing my pens, I guess. See you next year.
   *Obligatory Disclaimer: Feel free for check for any silly mistakes and stuff that I might've done wrong. If I did miss anything, go ahead and tell me on Facebook or eMail us at I'll double check and fix it ASAP. Thanks and regards.

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Hours Update - May 12th, 2013

     Hello my dear people! Club members! Yeeeee. You know what I'm talking about. Just reminding you that hours have been updated.
     As for the sheet, the updates have included:
          1.) Meeting - May 2nd, 2013
          2.) Recycling/Project Reach - May 3rd, 2013
          3.) Habitat Restoration - May 4th, 2013
          4.) Meeting - May 9th, 2013
          5.) Recycling/Project Reach - May 10th, 2013
      I know I've yet to check bottle crushing, cause I'm darn forgetful. Guh.
     Anyway, there's not much for me to say to you guys after this. Just remember that there's only 1 more recycling left, so make sure that you can still make it if you have 2 hours. There's also bottle crushing that you could do, so you can still make it if you really want to dedicate your time to this club. Heh, I highly doubt though.
      Since I'm lacking words to say to you guys, I'll just leave this interesting article here.
      Good luck on that APUSH test on Wednesdays, juniors!
    *Obligatory Disclaimer: Feel free for check for any silly mistakes and stuff that I might've done wrong. If I did miss anything, go ahead and tell me on Facebook or eMail us at I'll double check and fix it ASAP. Thanks and regards. 
- Secretary

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Hours Update - April 28th, 2013

Just another typical update for you guys:
     1.) Meeting - April 17th, 2013
     2.) Recycling/Project Reach - April 18th 2013
     3.) Meeting - April 25th, 2013
     4.) Recycling/Project Reach - April 26th, 2013

     Of course, Driving Hours is included within those two services. Once again, thanks for attending them! It'd be awfully lonely and unproductive if we only got five people each service.
     For you guys who weren't at the meeting, from today forth I'll be updating hours continuously, but I'll only post a notification every two weeks including the services updated, and whether or not bottle crushing was counted during that time period as well! The post will be similar to the normal hours update posts.
     And MoMa people, if you're reading this and weren't at the meeting that other time, which you probably weren't, meetings are pretty much void since we know that the program conflicts with them so much.
     *Obligatory Disclaimer: Feel free for check for any silly mistakes and stuff that I might've done wrong. If I did miss anything, go ahead and tell me on Facebook or eMail us at I'll double check and fix it ASAP. Thanks and regards.
- Mark

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Peck Park Habitat Restoration May 4,2013

Date: Saturday, May 4,2013
Time: 9am-12pm

Hey guys! Looks like another day of Peck Park. Yes, this event corresponds with the May SAT. However, for those who have no plans for that day, no excuses! ^_^
We will be weeding and giving the plants a nice trim. Snacks are provided, and please dress appropriately, meaning closed-toed shoes and comfortable clothing.
The parking lot will be hard to spot so make a turn once you see a sign like the one below.

To those taking the May SAT: Good luck, sleep well. Congratulations to those who are going to prom that following evening and we'll see the rest of you guys at Peck!
Did we mention there will be a group biking for those who love to pedal and conserve energy?
Name and ID below, thanks! ^_^

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Hours Update - April 14th, 2013

     Oh boy, I finally updated Bottle Crushing hours! Don't hate me anymore guys!

     Just kidding. Anyway, the updates include:
          1.) Meeting - April 11th, 2013
          2.) Recycling - April 12th, 2013
          3.) Project Reach - April 12th, 2013
          4.) Bottle Crushing Hours up to April 11th, 2013
     As for you MoMa kids, I'll make sure that we will come up with a solution for you guys about the amount of meetings you'd need to attend.
     *Obligatory Disclaimer: Feel free for check for any silly mistakes and stuff that I might've done wrong. If I did miss anything, go ahead and tell me on Facebook or eMail us at I'll double check and fix it ASAP. Thanks and regards.
     G'night y'all.
- Makaloo, ur Sec

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Hours Update - April 7th, 2013

     Well, I formally apologize for sort of slacking off in the updates. That's one thing for sure. 

     Without further ado, our updates for today include:
          1.) Neighborhood Cleanup - March 31st, 2013
          2.) Meeting - April 4th, 2013
          3.) Recycling - April 5th, 2013
          4.) Habitat Restoration - April 6th, 2013
     And remember, we've changed the requirements to 3 meetings and 3 hours for this semester, so there's less worry and less work to go around, and it'll be easier to cram in those hours at the last minute.
      *Obligatory Disclaimer: Feel free for check for any silly mistakes and stuff that I might've done wrong. If I did miss anything, go ahead and tell me on Facebook or eMail us at I'll double check and fix it ASAP. I hope the semi-new format doesn't confuse anyone. 
     Well, that's all for today. Now hurry up and finish all that homework that you've left behind.
- Mark Lieu

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Peck Park Habitat Restoration April 6,2013

Date: Saturday, April 6, 2013
Time: 9AM-12PM

Enjoy the fresh air, beautiful scenery, and use of elbow grease! 
We will be helping out with weeding and other miscellaneous issues. Snacks such as granola bars and water will be provided by the hosts.

Please dress appropriately, meaning no open-toed shoes and yes light clothing you wouldn't mind getting dirty.
Remember that the parking entrance is hard to spot, so be sure to make a turn when you see a sign like the one below.

Sign up below with your name and ID. Thank you! ^_^ 

Thursday, March 28, 2013

San Gabriel Neighborhood cleanup

The 2nd neighborhood cleanup in the history of the club! Like the first, we will be separating into groups led by group leaders. Don't forget to dress in appropriate clothing and we look forward to seeing you guys there. We are certain to finish with fantastic results. That is all. 

When: 3/31/13 (this Sunday)
Time: 1PM-3PM 
Location: Meet up at our school's horseshoe (bus drop off zone)

You know the drill. Comment below your school ID and name to sign up. Thank you. 

1. Hanfrey Deng
2. Lawrence Yuen 
3. Eddie Pang 
4. Mimi Lam
5. Wilson Huang 

Friday, March 22, 2013

Earth Day Gram Design Submissions!


Earth Day is approaching us in one month on April 22nd! :D
It's always been a fine tradition to distribute our yearly Earth Day grams and you get to design them!
What better way to celebrate Earth Day than to surprise someone with beautiful flowers and a card?
Better yet, what if that card were designed by you?!

DEADLINE FOR DESIGNS: April 4th, 2013 (Voting will be conducted on this day as well at our meeting)

Rules &Requirements:
-Actual Design must be 1/4 of a page. (Take a sheet of paper, fold it hamburger style two times)

-Requires the following on one 1/4 of the page
Rm #___________

-Must be in black and white! No color please!
-No plagiarism or using copyrighted images
-It must be Earth Day or environmentally related
-Be appropriate or we will not appropriate your design for the Earth Day gram.

Other than that, you are in control of designing!

How to submit:
Send your designs to our gmail! 
Or turn in your design to any cabinet officer. 

Thanks and good luck designing a worthy Earth Day masterpiece!

Sunday, March 17, 2013

FINAL Quarter 3 Hours Update - March 16th, 2013

     Yeah, apparently we'd be kicking out approximately 50 people if we retained our original intention of five hours and five meetings. So we decided to tune it down a bit. Anyone with less than two hours has pretty much been TERMINATED from the club; those names are highlighted in red. Pretty painful isn't it? Anyway, I'm hoping you guys do a better job next time. Jestin really meant it when he said that we were lenient, because next Quarter we're tuning down the wretched requirements from five hours and five meetings to three hours and three meetings. So I'm expecting nobody to get kicked out! No matter how lazy you are!
 (Although I'm probably expecting it to happen anyway!)

          So without further ado, the final hour updates include:
               1.) Meeting - March 14th, 2013
               2.) Recycling - March 15th, 2013
               3.) Bottle Crushing Hours - March 15th, 2013
               4.) Cleanup at Garvey Park - March 16th, 2013

     As always, feel free to check for any silly mistakes or events that you might have attended that I haven't credited you for. Don't you dare try to pull anything shady though, cause I have all the archives here and I'd double check them before putting in any hours that I might have missed!

     Enjoy your Spring Break guys! Catch up on your lost hours of sleep!

- Mark Lieu, Secretary

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Park Clean Up 3/16/13

Just because we're so generous and lenient, there will be a last-minute park clean up for all who still need hours.

Date: March 16, 2013
When: 12 PM - 2 PM
Where: Garvey Park

Please sign up by commenting below with your name and ID number! Thank you!

  1. Brandon Pham 1094886
  2. Kevin Luu 1518455
  3. Lydia Xia 1526611
  4. Christopher Cam 1518496
  5. Godfrey Lam 1518481
  6. David Pham 1518656
  7. Gloria Quach 1098795

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Hours Update - March 10th, 2013

Here you go.
     As far as I'm concerned, the hours updated include:
           1.) Recycling - March 1st, 2013
                                  - March 8th 2013
           2.) Project Reach - March 8th, 2013
           3.) Meetings - February 28th, 2013
                                - March 7th, 2013
           4.) Almansor Park Clean Up - March 10th, 2013
           5.) Bottle Crushing up to March 6th, 2013 
     On a separate note however, there are hour and meeting requirements this quarter. If you don't want me to kick you out, which I will, make sure you attend at least five meetings and perform free labor for at least five hours with us!
     As usual, if there's any silly mistakes in the Hours Sheet, have complaints to tell me, or questions, go ahead and eMail us at
     Have a good day y'all.
- Mark Lieu, Secretary