Sunday, September 15, 2013

Service Hours Update - September 15th, 2013

     The Service Hour Records are ready to launch! It literally took me the entire day to get the roster up and running, and the formatting seems to be in great shape as well! We've got a whooping total of 207 members this year, and that's going to be torture every time I update the hours. Well, I'm in no position to complain, since I kind of did campaign and sign up for this. Heh. Anyway, here's a status update on what's included here.
     Updates include:
          1.) Club Meetings on:
               - August 29th, 2013
               - September 5th, 2013
               - September 12th, 2013
          2.) Recycling/Project Reach Services on:
               - September 6th, 2013
               - September 13th, 2013
          3.) Garvey Park Clean Up - [September 1st, 2013]
          4.) Habitat Restoration - [September 7th, 2013]
     Just by looking at the recorded hours so far, I can already tell who's going to be the people that'll be the most dedicated to the club. Some of you guys already fulfilled the hours requirement by going to the Park Clean up and Habitat Restoration, which is awesome! Just a friendly reminder once again, the requirements are 5 service hours and 5 meetings, and to be honest it isn't that much if you take advantage of the stuff we plan on the weekends. If you don't have rides, just tell us and we could find someone to get you one; after all, there was a section that asked if you could provide rides to outside events, remember? Also be sure to check for mistakes, since they are most likely going to be some on this document since it was so huge.
     The Bottle Crushing and Driving hours are not yet available because I haven't checked with the nurse yet, and we haven't made our first paper delivery. I will however check the nurse's office for Bottle Crushing hours by the end of this week, so the hours will be added onto your current total.
     *Obligatory Disclaimer: Feel free for check for any silly mistakes and stuff that I might've done wrong. If I did miss anything, feel free to tell me on Facebook or eMail us at I'll double check and fix it ASAP.
Glad to be of Service
Mark Lieu, Secretary


  1. wow so dedicated mark

  2. Mark, I just wanted to tell you, that you're doing such a great job and everyone appreciates your dedication. Thank Truly for your hard work. Many may take you for granted but some of us really do appreciate you ! ^^

  3. Do we need to fulfill the requirements by the end of the quarter?

  4. OMFG I love you Mark!
