Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Peck Park Habitat Restoration May 4,2013

Date: Saturday, May 4,2013
Time: 9am-12pm

Hey guys! Looks like another day of Peck Park. Yes, this event corresponds with the May SAT. However, for those who have no plans for that day, no excuses! ^_^
We will be weeding and giving the plants a nice trim. Snacks are provided, and please dress appropriately, meaning closed-toed shoes and comfortable clothing.
The parking lot will be hard to spot so make a turn once you see a sign like the one below.

To those taking the May SAT: Good luck, sleep well. Congratulations to those who are going to prom that following evening and we'll see the rest of you guys at Peck!
Did we mention there will be a group biking for those who love to pedal and conserve energy?
Name and ID below, thanks! ^_^

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