Sunday, March 2, 2014

Service Hours Update - March 2nd, 2014

 Now that I'm not a member of cabinet anymore...

     It's been a long ride, and I'm on schedule for the last update of my term!

     Well, our updates today include:
          1.) Recycling / Project Reach Services on February 21st, 2014.
          2.) Club Meetings on:
               - February 20th, 2014
               - February 27th, 2014
           3.) E-Waste Service on February 22nd, 2014.
           4.) Vincent Lugo Park Clean Up on February 10th, 2014.
           5.) Driving credit, for those who decided to clean out our paper room.

     Remember that our requirements is 5 hours and 5 meetings to stay in the club. They're posted on the sidebar incase you ever forget. Thanks to everyone who ran for cabinet, and good luck to those who're gonna be running the club next year! Treat our new Secretary well, okay?
     *Obligatory Disclaimer: Feel free for check for any silly mistakes and stuff that I might've done wrong. If I did miss anything, go ahead and tell me on Facebook or email us at I'll double check and fix it ASAP.
This is your 2013-2014 Secretary, signing out    
- Mark Lieu

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