Friday, March 28, 2014

Peck Park Habitat Restoration 4/5/2014

Date: April 5, 2014
Time: 9:00am - 12:00pm
Officer(s) Attending:
Location: Down below

Hey guys! New quarter, new hours. I know you guys might be too busy "studying" for your upcoming exams but come to Peck Park Habitat Restoration on April 5th 2014! For those who are busy, try to "get it over with" the hours requirements by coming. It'll be fun. Trust. The best part is, WATER AND SNACKS WOULD BE PROVIDED. Who wouldn't want free food AND hours?

Anyways, don't leave your cabinet members lonely and come to work it. :') Remember to dress comfortably as you will be digging for weeds and other unwanted roots.

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Updates [QUARTER 4]

To the people who did not attend the meeting or simply could not hear me (I'll try better next time), the new requirements are 3 hours and 3 meetings. We figured that this quarter will be pretty hectic due to AP testing, CSTs, and finals, so yeah, enjoy this quarter without having to stress about meeting the "dreadful" 5-hour requirement. However, the make-up policy still applies. So if you have to make up 2 hours, you will need to earn 5 hours by the end of the quarter.

Also, if you did not reach the requirements for last quarter, you cannot appeal to us cabinet members anymore (unless it is an incredibly valid reason). You did have the entire spring break to do so...

-Tran Lam

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Earth Day Gram Designs

Earth Day will be upon us in exactly one month on April 22nd, and like every year, we will be upholding the tradition of selling Earth Day grams. However, we need to have designs for them first! Use your awesome artistic skills and creativity and show us what you can do.

- Design must be 1/4 of a page (Fold a paper in half twice)
- One side of the gram must include
Room #:___________
- No copyrighted images
- Must be black and white
- Must be environmentally or Earth Day related
- Must be appropriate

The deadline for designs will be April 3, 2014. We will be voting during the meeting on that day as well.Submit your designs to or turn it in to any of the cabinet members.Thank you, and we look forward to seeing your great designs!

Friday, March 14, 2014

Service Hours Update - March 14th, 2014 (END OF 3RD QUARTER)

[Hours Update]

This is the final hours update for Quarter 3. Overall, 115 out of 139 members have met the requirements and are moving forward to Quarter 4. Congratulations and thank you for serving our community! To the people who did not earn at least 5 hours, comment here or message me (or other cabinet members) on Facebook and give us a valid reason for why you did not do so. Congrats Mason Tran for earning the most hours this quarter! Mason now holds the overachiever title. Who will earn it next quarter? ;)

Requirements Reminder
1.) 5 hours
2.) 5 meetings

Updates include
1.) Club Meetings: March 13th, 2014 
2.) Bottle Crushing: March 11 - March 13, 2014

Have a great spring break and don't procrastinate too much! ;) We'll see you in two weeks. 

-Tran Lam

Monday, March 10, 2014

Service Hours Update - March 10th, 2014

Hello environmental members! Your hours are finally updated. 

[Hours Update]

Updates include
1.) Recycling / Project Reach Services: March 7th, 2014. 
2.) Club Meetings: March 6th, 2014 
3.) Almansor Park Clean Up: March 8th, 2014. 
4.) Driving credit: March 7th 2014

5.) Bottle Crushing: February 15th-March 10th 2014

If you still need to earn 5 hours then remember to do bottle crushing during lunch or 6th period. I will update bottle crushing hours again this Friday, so there's still hope!! There are around 26 people who still need to earn 5 hours, which is not horrible, but we can drag that number down to 0 by the end of the week, right guys? 

P.S. I'm not perfect, so if you notice any mistakes, then please inform me.

-Tran Lam

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Almansor Park Clean up - March 8 2014

Officers Attending: Kristy, Mason, Jenny, Tran, Ivy
When: March 8
Where: Almansor Park
Time: 9-11 A.M

Hey fellow environmentalist! Yay first post for the all-mighty new cabinet! Since quarter is ending soon, we're going to have our last park clean up at Almansor Park from 9-11 A.M. Saturday, March 8th. Remember to reach your hours requirement by March 14! We don't want to kick you out. :(. The clean up will be like any other park clean up so just dress comfortably.

Sign-ups below with FULL NAME and ID NUMBER. 
1. Teresa Troung
2. Ethan Ly
3. Helen Quach
4. Nghi Quach
5. Derek Lam
6. Andy Le
7. Alex Zhang
8. Josephine Leung
9. Winston Hau
10. Jestin Ma
11. Darlene Fung
12. Alex Chiu
13. Billy Huynh
14. Tony Kung

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Service Hours Update - March 2nd, 2014

 Now that I'm not a member of cabinet anymore...

     It's been a long ride, and I'm on schedule for the last update of my term!

     Well, our updates today include:
          1.) Recycling / Project Reach Services on February 21st, 2014.
          2.) Club Meetings on:
               - February 20th, 2014
               - February 27th, 2014
           3.) E-Waste Service on February 22nd, 2014.
           4.) Vincent Lugo Park Clean Up on February 10th, 2014.
           5.) Driving credit, for those who decided to clean out our paper room.

     Remember that our requirements is 5 hours and 5 meetings to stay in the club. They're posted on the sidebar incase you ever forget. Thanks to everyone who ran for cabinet, and good luck to those who're gonna be running the club next year! Treat our new Secretary well, okay?
     *Obligatory Disclaimer: Feel free for check for any silly mistakes and stuff that I might've done wrong. If I did miss anything, go ahead and tell me on Facebook or email us at I'll double check and fix it ASAP.
This is your 2013-2014 Secretary, signing out    
- Mark Lieu