Wednesday, February 19, 2014

E-WASTE 2/22/14

 Date: February 22, 2014 (Saturday)
Shift 1: 9:00am- 12:00pm 
Shift 2: 12:00pm-3pm 
Location: San Gabriel High School South Parking Lot 
Officer(s) Attending: Alan Duong, Nancy Lam

ITS SHOWTIME ENVIRO! One of the biggest events our club will be involved in will be THIS Saturday! Like stated above, this event will be held at our lovely South Parking Lot where we'd be teamed up with the other clubs on campus. In this event you guys will be either unloading E-waste from cars or directing traffic. And don't you forget to dress appropriately! Meaning, CLOSED-TOED SHOES! Saying this now so that you'll be thanking me later(OH ALAN! THE TV FELL ON MY FOOT!). No; none of that, only safety for all.  ):<

And why just give service that day? Be part of the E-waste donations! Let your family know about this event so that they can also rid of any unwanted electronics! Keep in mind however, that E-waste WILL NOT be taking appliances such as refrigerators, washers, and dryers due to the chemicals they contain. Everything else should be fine! 

 In addition to everything else, we will be having a STRICT rule of DOUBLE DIPPING. Meaning you cannot attend this service for more than just the organization you signed up for.

Anyways, I hope to see all your beautiful faces at the E-waste. Keep up the hard work at those recyclings and you can sign up below with your FULL name, ID and SHIFT! ;) 

P.S. Lunch will be provided like usual!

Shift 1
1. Aron Duong
2. Ethan Ly

Shift 2 
1. Aron Duong
2. Janette Nguyen


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. janette nguyen 1522046 shift 2

  3. Aron Duong 1106703 both shifts

  4. Angie Han 1521822 Shift 2

  5. Who are all the people that are running for cabinet? O_O

  6. How hard is AP Lit?

  7. How do you make the sashes? Where do you but the materials?

    1. Where do you buy the materials?*
