Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Peck Park Habitat Restoration 3/1/2014

Sorry, everyone. Habitat Restoration 10/3/2013 has been cancelled due to third party change of plans.

Date: March 1, 2014 (This Saturday)
Time: 9:00am - 12:00pm
Officer(s) Attending: Mark Lieu 
Location: Down below

 Hey environmental! Sadly this may be the very last event of my term which is said to have crazy rain... However! That is NO EXCUSE to not sign up! If it rains it will be canceled but if it doesn't we'll still need some hardworking people out on the field ):< But to let you guys know ahead of time, the way you guys can determine whether or not the event is canceled by looking at the ground. If the ground is wet, CANCELED. Anyways, at this event, snacks and water will be provided like usual along with the necessary tools. Please dress APPROPRIATELY meaning closed-toed shoes and even if it doesn't rain, be prepared for such conditions.If you don't have any occurring events this Saturday, go help them out, provide some rides, etc. Go enviro! 

We'll be meeting up a little past the parking lot so make sure you guys make a turn when you see a sign like this.  
 Turn should look like this:  

Sign up below with your FULL name and ID. Thank you and hope your lovely secretary will see you there! :)

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

E-WASTE 2/22/14

 Date: February 22, 2014 (Saturday)
Shift 1: 9:00am- 12:00pm 
Shift 2: 12:00pm-3pm 
Location: San Gabriel High School South Parking Lot 
Officer(s) Attending: Alan Duong, Nancy Lam

ITS SHOWTIME ENVIRO! One of the biggest events our club will be involved in will be THIS Saturday! Like stated above, this event will be held at our lovely South Parking Lot where we'd be teamed up with the other clubs on campus. In this event you guys will be either unloading E-waste from cars or directing traffic. And don't you forget to dress appropriately! Meaning, CLOSED-TOED SHOES! Saying this now so that you'll be thanking me later(OH ALAN! THE TV FELL ON MY FOOT!). No; none of that, only safety for all.  ):<

And why just give service that day? Be part of the E-waste donations! Let your family know about this event so that they can also rid of any unwanted electronics! Keep in mind however, that E-waste WILL NOT be taking appliances such as refrigerators, washers, and dryers due to the chemicals they contain. Everything else should be fine! 

 In addition to everything else, we will be having a STRICT rule of DOUBLE DIPPING. Meaning you cannot attend this service for more than just the organization you signed up for.

Anyways, I hope to see all your beautiful faces at the E-waste. Keep up the hard work at those recyclings and you can sign up below with your FULL name, ID and SHIFT! ;) 

P.S. Lunch will be provided like usual!

Shift 1
1. Aron Duong
2. Ethan Ly

Shift 2 
1. Aron Duong
2. Janette Nguyen

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Service Hours Update - February 14th, 2014

     1.) Club Meetings on:
          - February 6th, 2014
          - February 13th, 2014
      2.) Recycling / Project Reach services on:
          - February 7th, 2014
          - February 14th, 2014
     3.) Garvey Neighborhood Clean Up on February 8th, 2014
     4.) Bottle Crushing is now updated to February 14th, 2014!

     I hope you guys had fun with your significant other! If you didn't have anyone to spend it with, don't worry about it, cause most if not all of your beloved cabinet are also single too. 
     Anyway, I should probably apologize for the month delay on bottle crushing, and I will. So I'm sorry. The Vincent Lugo Park Clean Up is not yet updated due to thanks to a certain someone, so by the time I get an opportunity to update it, I will.
     There really isn't much to say. Good luck potential candidates on your speech next Thursday!
      *Obligatory Disclaimer: Feel free for check for any silly mistakes and stuff that I might've done wrong. If I did miss anything, go ahead and tell me on Facebook or email us at I'll double check and fix it ASAP.
 © 2014 Muk Loo

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Garvey Neighborhood cleanup 2/9/2014

When: February 9, 2014(Sunday)
Time: 9:00 am - 11:00 am
Meet up spot: Garvey Park Playground
Officer(s) attending: Alan Duong, Nancy Lam, Kristy Wang


Park cleanup? I think not! Truth is, all cool people clean up neighborhoods rather than just parks so I welcome you all to this wonderful Sunday event. In this event, be sure to meet up at our usual spot at the park's playground. We will have one goal: to pick up trash so well that even streets would give us a pat on the back. Be sure to dress appropriately, preferably in clothes you wouldn't mind getting dirty in. Some sunscreen is also recommended depending on the weather. Other than that, trash bags and gloves WILL be provided. On behalf of cabinet and potential cabinet, we hope to see you there! 

Sign up below with your FULL name and ID!

  1. Cuiting Yu 
  2. Aron Duong
  3. Christopher Cam 
  4. Tran Lam
  5. Elim Li
  6. Darlene Fung
  7. Henry Zeng 
  8. Lawrence Yuen
  9. David San
  10. Chris Lew
  11. Tony Kung
  12. Jenny Trang
  13. Andrew Tran
  14. John Lu 
  15. Peter Vo
  16. Anthony Valverde
  17. Ethan Ly
  18. Kha Van
  19. Mason Tran 
  20. Hanfrey Deng
  21. Nelson Luong
  22. Alex Chiu
  23. Brian Choy
  24. William Tea
  25. Kindy Tan
  26. Brandon Huynh
  27. Nhgi Quach
  28. Helen Quach 
  29. Ivy Leao