Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Important Updates 4/16/14

We will be selling Earth Day grams in the MPR after tomorrow's general meeting ends, so please consider purchasing one on your way out. We just broke even today, but it'll be nice if we can.. actually profit from tomorrow's sales.  The money goes to the club funds (and to free food at upcoming social hint hint).
So, what exactly do the grams and flowers look like? How much is it? Event page for more info:
If you haven't checked already, all of 4th quarter hours and meetings have been updated. If you have 0 hours right now, time is ticking... There are very few opportunities left, so attend this Friday's recycling and/or this Saturday's park clean up (you'll be in the next cover photo if you go)
Reminder: 3 hours and 3 meetings are the requirements.


  1. Are you guys going to have any socials during summer?

  2. How many did you guys sell total?

  3. Is Hanfrey dating her...?!!!!!!!!

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