Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Service Hours Update - October 30th, 2013

     First of all, let me apologize for how late I am in making this post. I've been really lazy recently and just, eh. Okay alright I won't make any excuses I'm sorry. Three weeks have passed and I'm supposed to be making them every two weeks. Slap me.
     Now that that's out of the way, let's see what's been updated as of late:
          1.) Recycling/Project Reach Services on:
               - October 4th, 2013
               - October 18th, 2013
               - October 25th, 2013
          2.) Club Meetings on:
               - October 3rd, 2013
               - October 10th, 2013
               - October 17th, 2013
               - October 24th, 2013
          3.) E-Waste Service on:
               - October 12th, 2013
          4.) Almansor Park clean up on:
               - October 13th, 2013
          5.) Bottle Crushing has been updated as of October 18th, 2013.
     That is one huge list. This is exactly what happens when I don't keep things updated. Anyway, a few words before I end this certain reminder. I'm sure a lot of you guys already know this, but the meetings that you folks attend don't give any sort of hours. Some of you operate under the assumption of that and it only ends in your doom. Of course I still have the ability to reinstate you guys into the club, if you really want to stay. Just now I put someone back into the club. Of course you need a legit excuse and you gotta make us feel sorry for you. Remember we're only booting people because they can't uphold their own responsibilities due to excessive lethargy. For those of you who weren't informed of your apparent booting and went to recycling anyway, I still added an hour onto your quarter 1 hours because you performed labor anyway. I won't be adding to your hours anymore after that week, so make sure if you're still in the club or not.

     Anyway congratulations to all of you that survived this First Quarter. I'll be looking forward to working with all of you guys for my last term in office.

Your Secretary,

P.S. I promise I'll collect Bottle Crushing hours this week~

Tuesday, October 29, 2013


Date: Nov 2, 2013
Time: 9am- 12pm 
Location: Peck Park Conservation Park, 5401 N. Peck Rd Arcadia, CA 91006

If you haven't gone to one of the best events ever, Habitat Restoration, you should! If you have already, go again! This is a great way to complete 3/5 hours for the second quarter.
Hello Environmentalists; we'll be tending to the magnificent Peck Park's environment under Amigos de Los Rios.

Dress accordingly (something you don't mind getting dirty, and closed-toed shoes).
Snacks and water will be provided to volunteers and, yes, this is on an SAT date and during the SGHS Pancake Breakfast/Rummage sale.

Sign up below with your full name and ID number.
For any questions or concerns, you are free to contact your loving environmental staff :)
We will be meeting up a bit past the parking lot (there should be other people congregating in the general area). It'll be a bit hard to find so make sure you make a turn once you see a sign like this.

The turn left should look something like this:

Hope to see many of you there! ^_^

  1. Andrew Tran 1522195
  2. John Lu 1522038
  3. Tony Kung 1521891
  4. Aron Duong 1106703
  5. Andy Le 1525271
  6. Derek Lam 1525256
  7. Eric Truong 1525528
  8. Alex Chiu 1521724
  9. Deryn Gomez 1521834
  10. Anthony Valverde 1522238
  11. Ethan Ly 1521972

Friday, October 18, 2013

2013-2014 Q1 -Getting Personal- Concerning Hours and Requirements

For those who weren't here at this week's meeting for my address:

Our hours/meetings requirement per quarter has been 5/5 for members. Meetings are not mandatory for people involved in MoMa. Because of some short recyclings, we've brought down the hours requirement to 4.5. However, there have been some cases in which members do not meet our requirements because of problems unknown to us. I would like to address this.

As you might all have figured out after being an Environmental Club member, we officers are, in fact, human (shocking, I know). We know how it feels to be just short on hours or even a few away because of other obligations and priorities, since everyone is so enveloped with activities at SG. Sometimes we meet these requirements; sometimes we don't.

I've made an executive decision after considering everything that has been brought up to us officers. We will consider your case -if you had any problems reaching our set requirements-, only if you bring it up privately to me (president) on Facebook, the club's email (, or my personal email ( My decision may be controversial, and enforcers of rules may question my decision on the grounds that I'm not being entirely fair to everyone in the club, that my decision leads to the dissolution of "rules", that this isn't realistic.

Visiting a father's grave and having family problems are much more important. If you believe you shouldn't be kicked out because of unforeseen circumstances, tell me with a passion, that you aren't just a member in this organization for college, but a member because you love what we do. The experience is way more important than hours.

Still, if you slide by, there will be strings attached, which may include a higher hours requirement next quarter, higher meeting requirement, or delegating specialized work. Also, not everyone will slide by; we have to keep objectivity.

Thank you for reading this post; I hope I conveyed my passionate feeling about this intelligibly.

-Your 2013-2014 President, Jestin Ma

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Almansor Park Cleanup October 13, 2013

Since the first quarter is almost over and we won't be having recycling on 10/11/13, we will be having a park cleanup on October 13, 2013 at Almansor Park for anyone who needs some extra hours.

Time: 9 a.m. - 11 a.m.
Place: Almansor Park (beside Martha Baldwin Elementary and Emmaus Lutheran School) at the basketball courts.

We'll be providing gloves and trash bags for everyone who signs up.

Comment your Name and ID to sign up as usual.

  1. Eric Thai 1525250
  2. Judy Linh 1518599
  3. Sydney Trieu 1528978
  4. Alex Zhang 1529058 
  5. Annie Ma 1104811
  6. Yixin Chen 1517998
  7. Cynthia Lam 1518589
  8. Eythan Lam 1525258
  9. Ashley Kakazu 1520232
  10. Vanessa Huang 1521859
  11. Francine Yu 1102915
  12. Cynthia Tu 1525535
  13. Ivy Leao 1525279
  14. Kevin Lam 1525261
  15. Julie Pham 1518447
  16. Ethan Ly 1521972
  17. Alex Chiu 1521724
  18. Anthony Valverde 1522238
  19. John Lu 1522038
  20. Tony Kung 15221891
  21. Colin Chen 1521684
  22. Andrew Tran 1522195
  23. John Lu 1522038
  24. Eric Truong 1525528
  25. Cassie Luu 1528770
  26. Jessica Tran 1105104
  27. Anthony Huynh 1525223
  28. Jenny Trang 1522199
  29. Tony Tran 1102942
  30. Tuyet Phan 1522098
  31. Joshua Kuang 1525248
  32. Justin Wong 1102894
  33. Linda Wang 1518712
  34. Tommy Ha 1520196
  35. Brandon Huynh 1521876
  36. Kimberely Tran 1103995

Thursday, October 3, 2013


HEY HEY HEY! It's time for that year again!  E-waste. The glorious day of sorting something other than your usual papers! This event will be held at the South Parking Lot where we would be teaming up with other organizations on campus on either unloading cars or directing traffic. Please be dressed appropriately in clothes you would not mind getting dirty because even though these are electronics, well you just may never know. So spread the word to your family and relatives! tell em to bring all their old electronics that they may have been storing for days or for others, generations!

NOTE: that E-waste WILL NOT be taking appliances such as refrigerators, washers, and dryers due to the chemicals they contain. Everything else should be fine!

Date: October 12, 2013
Place: SGHS
Shift 1: 9am-12pm
Shift 2: 12pm-3pm
Like your amazing secretary said at the meeting, going for both shifts can fulfill your requirements! 

SIGN UP below with your full name, id number and the shift you are registering for. 
Thank you all and i hope to see you there! ^o^ Enviro! You know!

Shift 1:
  1. Cuiting Yu 1525612
  2. Elaine Ta 1525495
  3. Michelle Hua 1525211
  4. Annie Ma 1104811
  5. Jenny Leong 1516314
  6. Michelle Banh 1518543
  7. Timothy Tran 1528974
  8. Kimberly Tran 1103995
  9. Winston Hau 1528631
  10. Lien Chung 1111528
  11. Andy Chen 1528518
  12. Andrew Duong 1525118
  13. Stacy Taing 1521753
  14. Justin Pham 1098765
  15. Henry Zeng 1098804
  16. Danny Fu 1513295 
  17. Henry Tran 1098769
  18. Richie Phan 1098766
  19. Nelson Luong 1098794
  20. Tina Sam 1525465
  21. Katherine Hoong 1525210
  22. Tiffany Giang 1525167
  23. Tony Kung 1521891
  24. Ping Situ 1522161
  25. Alex Chiu 1521724
  26. James Le 1521924
  27. David Zhang 1200246
  28. Alex Zhen 1518721
  29. Karen Trinh 1522226
  30. Angie Han 1521822
  31. Justine Murrieta 1522032
  32. Irene Kuang 1518587
  33. Stacy Chau 1525062
  34. William Tea 1525504
  35. Colin Chen 1521684
  36. Brian Choy 1104002 
  37. Tinna Lam 1521905
  38. My Chac 1521848
  39. Andrew Tran 1522195
  40. Ethan Ly 1521972

Shift 2:
  1. Justin Pham 1098765
  2. Henry Zeng 1098804
  3. Danny Fu 1513295
  4. Henry Tran 1098769
  5. Richie Phan 1098766
  6. Nelson Luong 1098794
  7. Darlene Fung 1521774
  8. Josephine Leung 1521927
  9. Tony Kung 1521891
  10. Elvis Ha 1521820
  11. Linda Wang 1518712
  12. Lee Mao 1518616
  13. David Zhang 1200246
  14. Kevin Chang 1521680
  15. Angie Han 1521822
  16. Justine Murrieta 1522032
  17. Eric Thai 1525250
  18. Teresa Truong 1522225
  19. Irene Kuang 1518587
  20. Ashley Jiang 1099461
  21. Janette Nguyen 1522046
  22. Brian Choy 1104002 
  23. Eythan Lam 1525258
  24. Alex Zhen 1518721
  25. Ethan Ly 1521972
  26. Hanfrey Deng 1523515
  27. Julie Pham 1518447
  28. Yu Lin Ma 1525335
  29. Kevin Lam 1525261
  30. Andy Zhang 1518718
  31. Chanel Hin 1522057
  32. Jennifer Nguyen 1522058
  33. Robert Lam 1521840
  34. Andrew Tran 1522195