First of all, let me apologize for how late I am in making this post. I've been really lazy recently and just, eh. Okay alright I won't make any excuses I'm sorry. Three weeks have passed and I'm supposed to be making them every two weeks. Slap me.
Now that that's out of the way, let's see what's been updated as of late:
1.) Recycling/Project Reach Services on:
- October 4th, 2013
- October 18th, 2013
- October 25th, 2013
2.) Club Meetings on:
- October 3rd, 2013
- October 10th, 2013
- October 17th, 2013
- October 24th, 2013
3.) E-Waste Service on:
- October 12th, 2013
4.) Almansor Park clean up on:
- October 13th, 2013
5.) Bottle Crushing has been updated as of October 18th, 2013.
That is one huge list. This is exactly what happens when I don't keep things updated. Anyway, a few words before I end this certain reminder. I'm sure a lot of you guys already know this, but the meetings that you folks attend don't give any sort of hours. Some of you operate under the assumption of that and it only ends in your doom. Of course I still have the ability to reinstate you guys into the club, if you really want to stay. Just now I put someone back into the club. Of course you need a legit excuse and you gotta make us feel sorry for you. Remember we're only booting people because they can't uphold their own responsibilities due to excessive lethargy. For those of you who weren't informed of your apparent booting and went to recycling anyway, I still added an hour onto your quarter 1 hours because you performed labor anyway. I won't be adding to your hours anymore after that week, so make sure if you're still in the club or not.
Anyway congratulations to all of you that survived this First Quarter. I'll be looking forward to working with all of you guys for my last term in office.
Your Secretary,
P.S. I promise I'll collect Bottle Crushing hours this week~