Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Earth Day Gram Design Submissions!

(Or if you're not, that's okay too, we would still love it if you participate!)

Earth Day is almost here! Mark your calendars for April 22! (:
We will be celebrating by having Earth Day grams, but first, we need designs for them.
So this is where you guys come in! :D 
Excited? We know we are!
DEADLINE: Thursday, March 29, 2012 (We will also be voting on the designs, so come to the meeting!)

Rules &Requirements:
  • Must be 1/4 of a page.
    Take a sheet of paper, fold it hamburger style. Then hamburger-style again, and voila! Start designing.
  • Requires things like:
    Rm #___________
  • Must be in black and white! No color please!
  • No copy-righted images
  • And of course! It must be Earth Day, or environmentally related
  • Try to be appropriate! LOL No profanity, or anything that might get our club in trouble.
Other than that, you're free to do whatever you wish. 

How to submit:
  • Send your designs to our gmail! 
  • Or turn in your design to any cabinet officer. 
Be creative!
Good luck! & Have fun!

P.S. Your designs would make our world go round. ;D

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