Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Frog Pond Installation - 10/29/16

Hey all! The frog pond installation will take place THIS SATURDAY (Oct. 29th!) from 8 to 11 AM. As usual, we will be meeting at the BTA garden (between the A building and B building).

Sign up with your name, ID, and grade below if you're interested in attending!

This service is limited to 10 slots and is on a first come, first serve basis.

Sunday, October 9, 2016

Neighborhood Clean Up 10/15/16

Hey everyone! This will be our final service for the first quarter, so PLEASE make sure you meet your hour requirement (5 hours)!

We'll be hosting a neighborhood clean up around SGHS on Saturday, October 15th. The service will run from 9 AM to 11 AM, and we will meet at the horseshoe (bus area) at school. Hope to see you all there!

Sign up below with your name, ID #, and grade.