Saturday, September 27, 2014

Peck Park Habitat Restoration 10/4/14

Hey Environmentalist! We're having our first Peck Park Habitat Restoration on October 4th,2014! This service will take place every first Saturday of the month at Peck Park,Arcadia from 9 a.m. to 12. p.m. During the service, you basically help restore the environment by eliminating weeds and help improve the gardens at Peck Park. If you are interested, please sign up with your full name and ID number below! Remember to wear sunscreen and clothes you are willing to dirty. Snacks and water will be provided.

Date: October 4, 2014
Time: 9 a.m.- 12 p.m.
Officer Attending: 
Location: Below

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Garvey Park Clean-Up 9/20/14

When: September 20, 2014(Saturday)
Time: 9:00 am - 11:00 am
Meet up spot: Garvey Park Playground
Officer(s) attending: Jenny Trang, Tran Lam

 This will be our FIRST PARK CLEAN UP OF THE YEAR! For new members, park clean-up is one of the special services that Environmental Club offers. We will have one goal: to pick up trash in AND around the park area so that even streets would give us a BIG pat on the back. You can also feel good about yourself because you just contributed to save the environment. We will meet at the playground area at 9. a.m. so make sure to get there on time! Be sure to dress appropriately, preferably in clothes you wouldn't mind getting dirty in. Some sunscreen is also recommended because it'll be pretty hot especially when you're in the sun for two hours. Other than that, trash bags and gloves WILL be provided. We hope to see you all there! :D

Sign up below with full name and ID number.

2014-2015 GEAR DESIGNS

Hey Environmentalists, you guys can start submitting gear designs! Email them to, send them via Facebook to any cabinet member, or print out your designs (in color preferably) and hand them to cabinet members or to Mr. Osborne in room A205. You can either draw it freehand or use an online clothing designing site. Recommendation:
Note: There is no set deadline yet.

General rules (for both shirts and jackets): 
1. It has to represent the SGHS 2014-2015 Environmental Club.
2. Be appropriate.
3. No plagiarism of any sort.
4. Maximum one color for the overall color (no streaks or multicolored parts).

                                             What do you get out of designing?
The winning designers will not only earn the club's gratitude but also a FREE shirt and legendary, unreleased Environmental Club button.

Examples from previous years' gear designs: