Thursday, March 31, 2011

Park Work Day

The SGHS Environmental Club has been invited to assist in restoring one of LA's lovely parks. This includes maintaining the trails, removing invasive plants, regrading slopes to protect them from erosion, and working in the seedling nursery. Don't forget to dress appropriately!

When: This Saturday, April 2nd; 9:45-12:00
Where: Coldwater Canyon (we'll get the exact location soon)

To sign up, comment on the post with your name and ID number. If you don't know how to comment on this post, there is a tutorial below. Email your contact/personal information to This includes your first and last name, street address, city, zip code, cell phone, home phone, and birthday. This information is strictly for registration purposes so don't worry! :)

Sorry for the small sign up window, but we would like to get all names in by Friday at noon.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Updated Hours

Hello Environmental Club Members!
I have uploaded the updated hours onto our mediafile. Download it here.
Your name in dark green means that your last service was during 1st semester.
Your name in light green means that your last service was during 2nd semester.
The deadline to do your one service will be April 14th, the 2nd Thursday after Spring Break.

Griffith Observatory Trip, Recycling, E-Waste, and Project Reach

Monday, March 14, 2011

Signing Up

Hello Environmental Members!

This post is a tutorial on how to sign up for our services, just in case you do no know how.
1. Go to the post you want to sign up for.
2. Press the Comment link located at the bottom of the post.

3. Scroll down to the end of the comments and fill out the box to something similar.
    The main point is to indicate which day/shift and to leave your Name and ID.
    When you are finished, press Post Comment

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Mountain Restoration Service

This event has been cancelled due to weather issues. Sorry for any inconvenience. The deadline for the hour requirement WILL be moved back due to this cancellation.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Earth Day Grams

Our Earth Day Gram design is open for submission!
Fold it into fours like a gram should and just design.
Do not put anything inappropriate.

Last day for submission is March 24th. Submit it to any Environmental officer.
You may submit any number of gram designs you want, but the winning designer can only be awarded a maximum of 2 grams.

Our gram will consist of a potted flower and the gram.
We will provide the pot so you can decorate it anyway you like.

So far, we have received 3 gram designs.
Voting for the designs will be on March 24th, during the meeting.

New Requirement

Attention Environmental Club members!
We officially have around 180 members in our club, however, as you may have noticed, not all 180 members are participating in our club events.
Therefore, we have put into effect a new rule: mandatory one event.

This means that to continue to be a member of this club, you must participate in at least one of our services.  This requirement includes first semester, so if you have already done a service during 1st semester, then you are safe.

The deadline for this one event is April 15th.
Thank you for your cooperation.